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Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Just went to visit my daughter and grandkids. It inspired me to come up with this writing prompt:

You hear a strange noise and when you look out your door you see a basket. Inside the basket is a baby.

Write a short short story of about 100-500 words. It can be any genre. Let us see what you can come up with and give honest critique to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was sitting with my wife in our living room waiting for our social security check. It may not have been much to get excited about but it was the highlight of our week. Then suddenly there was a strange whistle-pop sound that I was surprised to hear since my hearing aid battery was dead. Just one of the things I may get with my check although it is peaceful not hearing the nagging. When I looked out the door there was a basket with a little baby boy in it. Well we took him in and now fifty years later are proud of our boys winning the Nobel Prize for Medicine. Yeah I did not believe the note pinned to the basket either but I guess the joke is on me.
