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Friday, February 3, 2012

Classic Literature still rocks after a hundred years.

I was at Barnes and Noble Bookstores and noticed a table dedicated to the classic literature books. I was looking at some titles; and remembered the enjoyment of "Huck Fin, Tom Sawyer, Dracula, Phantom Of the Opera, and Count of Monte Cristo" just to name a few. I decided to get The Count of Monte Cristo and have started reading it. I am enjoying it tremendously. I have not read some of the classics for over 25 years since I finished school; but now that I am re-reading The Count of Monte Cristo I am going  to change that. It gives me hope that just because something gets old it is not worthless.  I have a challenge; go to a bookstore and pick up a hardback classic. When you finish it donate it to your local library. I also want you all to let me know what classics you really enjoy.

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